I, Brian, had a disturbing conversation with my son tonight. I was tucking him into bed when he began rubbing my forhead with his fingertips and asked me, "Dad, do I have red lines on my forehead?"
"No, you don't."
"Well, why do you?"
"I just do."
"How did you put them there?"
"I don't know."
"Why did you put them there?"
"I didn't. They just happened."
"But how did they get there?"
So I responded the only way I could: "Go ask your mother."
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
First Day of School

We went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago last weekend. It is *huge* and very cool. Forrest really liked the space section.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Wuttke Visit - More Photos
For all of you who were worried, no, Jessica and Eric didn't die of heat exhaustion. (Good thing they didn't come out a week earlier - heat indices of 110 still aren't fun for us, either!)
Quin tasted his first corn on the cob and decided it tasted just as good as the other kind of corn, only more fun.

Our new backyard playset was a huge hit.

Forrest and Quin in the bath.
Quin tasted his first corn on the cob and decided it tasted just as good as the other kind of corn, only more fun.

Our new backyard playset was a huge hit.

Forrest and Quin in the bath.

Wuttke Visit - Anderson Gardens
The Wuttke family - Eric, Jessica, and Quin - visited us last week. Of course, we took them to Anderson Gardens. Quin wasn't very fond of walking on the paths, but he did love the water! He exclaimed over the ducks paddling around in the creek, and really wanted to go swimming with the rather large carp.

Here's a shot of Forrest and a rather grumpy Quin.
Quin enjoyed the puddles just as much as the larger bodies of water.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
New Play Structure

Forrest's Nana (Alayne) and Grandpa Rich visited during the week of July 4th. Brian had a friend from work with an old play structure that he wanted to get rid of. We hauled it out of his backyard - and what a sight it was, a giant wooden platform balanced on top of our tiny truck! Nana and Grandpa Rick designed and built add-ons and improvements to the original.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Another Grandparent Visit

Pompah and Grandma Jeanne (Tom and Jeanne) came to visit us over Forrest's 6th birthday. They helped us with Forrest's party. We also visited Anderson Japanese Gardens

and the Field Museum in Chicago, where we saw Sue (the T rex) and a really cool exhibit on evolution.

Forrest's Sixth Birthday
Forrest opening his present from his parents.

Forrest had a rather elaborate birthday party this year, although it was at home. He requested a Scooby-Doo mystery party, so we planned Scooby-Doo on Pirate Island. Brian, appearing as "Pirate Shortbeard" gave the following letter to the participants:
Listen well, ye swabs! I am the ghost of Pirate Shortbeard. Me crew mutinied and stole me treasure, but I shall have the last laugh. Ye swabs have been chosen to quest for me treasure. Follow the clues to find me bones, then capture me to get the key! But if any of you swabs has mutiny in mind, beware! Each must seek the resting place of one clue only.Then ye must assemble all the clues to make a map to me bones. Find them and capture me and I shall give ye the key to me treasure!

Each child was told which room to look in to find a piece of a map. When they each had found their pieces, they put them together like a puzzle to make a complete map, which showed where Pirate Shortbeard was hiding.
When they found him, he chased them in good Scooby-Doo fashion and was caught in a net (thoughtfully manned by Pompah and Grandma Jeanne). The captured pirate relinquished his key to a treasure chest. The chest, when opened, contained a pinata filled with waaaaay too much candy.

Forrest had a rather elaborate birthday party this year, although it was at home. He requested a Scooby-Doo mystery party, so we planned Scooby-Doo on Pirate Island. Brian, appearing as "Pirate Shortbeard" gave the following letter to the participants:
Listen well, ye swabs! I am the ghost of Pirate Shortbeard. Me crew mutinied and stole me treasure, but I shall have the last laugh. Ye swabs have been chosen to quest for me treasure. Follow the clues to find me bones, then capture me to get the key! But if any of you swabs has mutiny in mind, beware! Each must seek the resting place of one clue only.Then ye must assemble all the clues to make a map to me bones. Find them and capture me and I shall give ye the key to me treasure!

Each child was told which room to look in to find a piece of a map. When they each had found their pieces, they put them together like a puzzle to make a complete map, which showed where Pirate Shortbeard was hiding.

It's been a long time since we updated this blog, mostly because we had very intermittent and unreliable Internet service for a month as our Internet provider updated its software.
Forrest started taking karate classes at the Y. He seems to enjoy it, and we bought him a uniform. This summer we'll practice as a family; we're gone or entertaining visitors too often to make attending (and paying for!) class practical.

Friday, April 28, 2006
Blast from the Past I - Late 2004
Alyssa has a new computer. One of its many features is a screen saver that randomly shows pictures from a given folder. We've been mezmerized over the last few days and thought we'd share some of what we've been watching.
Ernie, Shirley, and Forrest, Christmas 2004
One of the first chess games Forrest ever played, November 2004
Brian and Forrest reading Spider-man comics, September 2004
Emily holding Samantha (?), October or November 2004

Monday, April 24, 2006
Grandparents Visit

Forrest has developed a major fascination with the camera. He took the above portrait of his grandparents (note the extreme upward angle) and the picture of Alyssa raking leaves in the previous post. He also took about 50 other pictures, which makes us very glad that we have a digital camera and don't have to pay for developing film.
As you can tell from the second photo, Forrest continues to be fascinated with costumes of just about any type. Usually he assembles his costumes from a variety of sources, which makes them quite eclectic and definitely creative.
Spring is Here!
Grandma Jeanne sent Forrest some spring cookie cutters and icing, so we spent a day over spring break making and icing sugar cookies.
Then we had to knuckle down and clean up the yard. We raked and bagged 5 bags-worth of leftover fall leaves. Luckily, leaf pickup is included in the garbage fee here. Yes, this is our backyard. It's absolutely gigantic. The previous owners left a small built-in sandbox and planted several tulip and daffodil bulbs (glad we didn't spend our Thanksgiving on that, Megan!).

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