Forrest opening his present from his parents.

Forrest had a rather elaborate birthday party this year, although it was at home. He requested a Scooby-Doo mystery party, so we planned Scooby-Doo on Pirate Island. Brian, appearing as "Pirate Shortbeard" gave the following letter to the participants:
Listen well, ye swabs! I am the ghost of Pirate Shortbeard. Me crew mutinied and stole me treasure, but I shall have the last laugh. Ye swabs have been chosen to quest for me treasure. Follow the clues to find me bones, then capture me to get the key! But if any of you swabs has mutiny in mind, beware! Each must seek the resting place of one clue only.Then ye must assemble all the clues to make a map to me bones. Find them and capture me and I shall give ye the key to me treasure!

Each child was told which room to look in to find a piece of a map. When they each had found their pieces, they put them together like a puzzle to make a complete map, which showed where Pirate Shortbeard was hiding.

When they found him, he chased them in good Scooby-Doo fashion and was caught in a net (thoughtfully manned by Pompah and Grandma Jeanne). The captured pirate relinquished his key to a treasure chest. The chest, when opened, contained a pinata filled with waaaaay too much candy.