We've had a rather warm autumn, which has allowed Forrest to play outside a lot. He enjoys puddling in the mud at the empty lot that will soon become Toalson Park in our neighborhood. Sometimes he comes home very muddy. We wish we'd gotten a picture of him, but his shoes are shocking enough.

This is what the bathtub looked like
after Forrest was done cleaning himself.

Wacky Hair Day

Brian's birthday

Forrest started a blog to educate people about the rain forest and why they should work to protect it. Here he is typing an entry:

This is the last photo ever taken of Mancha. We lost her to renal failure on November 13. In her prime, she weighed 7 pounds; at her vet visit on the Saturday before she died she was down to 3 1/2 pounds. She was all cat: loving, sensitive to her humans' pain, obnoxious, and passive aggressive. We will miss her.

Brian, Andrew, and Angi hung Christmas lights today. (It's 55 degrees and sunny and sure to be much less congenial after Thanksgiving!) Here are the boys on the roof in preparation for putting up the lights.