Typed from stories sent home from second grade
Pledge of Allegiance Report5/7/08
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
pledge = promise
justice = fairness
allegiance = loyalty
nation = country
liberty = freedom
The Door Horror9/22/07
Me and Dad were going to Volcano Falls. We were going to go golfing.
I was thinking. We were doing the go carts.
I slammed my pinkie in the car door! It hurt a lot!
The end
The Big Check9/08
I was getting the mail.
Mom said, "Oooooooooooh!"
"What?" I said.
"There's a check for over $500 in the mail."
"Let's go to the Courier Cafe."
I Have a Play Date12/19/07
Dedication: To Seth. Thank you for having a play date with me and I will not forget you, Seth. Let us always be friends.
"I'm bored," I said. I strolled around the house. I went to the kitchen. Dad was on the phone. "Dad!"
"Just a minute, Forrest," Dad said. "Put your clothes on. Seth is coming."
"Our house or his house?"
Finally, I got on my clothes. I had a great time. We watched a movie and when it was time to go we played at his house.
Where do they go
do they go to the sun
or the moon
I don't know...
Look, they're back again
The World5/08
What is the world like
is it fun
is it great
is it funny
is it boring
is it
is it
is it?
My Life2/29/08
I am not the normal-est kid. Ok, at least not in the day. I just do strange things. But I'm a good friend maker.
And... Friends are good in my life. School? It's going good... sometimes.
My life is good, but... it's always the best. The pictures are views of my room now. Oh, got to rush by.
I Wait3/7/08
I wait for a sound, a sign, something. The clock... get to nine o'clock. I wait and wait and wait and wait. Still I wait.
I wait still. I wait and wait. It's 10:30. Still I wait.
I wait... and wait and wait and wait. And wait and wait and wait. Finally it's time.
I get out of bed. I close the shades. I turn out the night light. I go into bed... and go to sleep.
My Day at the Beach10/2/07
First, I was at the beach. I was with my mom, my dad, my grandma and grandpa.
Second, I dug in the sand and itched.
Finally, we found many shells.
First Day at School10/24/07
First, Mom and I were going to school. I was nervous.
Second, we did calendar. It was fun!
I'm Thinking5/1/08
I am thinking many things
Let me tell you what they are
Think think think think think
Think What they are!
Life, Vol. 25/9/08
Is strange
So watch out
And be prepared
Because life has many
Color Poem4/10/08
They grow in spring.
Means good to nature.
Forrest's City1/08
Here are some things I do not want:
people going all over
when people go against the law.
What I do want:
the Courier Cafe
the hospital.
So Close4/30/08
So close to
My Birthday is so close
So close So close
So close two more days
So close So close So
close so close so close so close so close so close!
My Mom4/25/08
She is fun and nice.
Mom helps me grow.
The cook of the family.
My friend and mom.
I love my mom.