Sunday, January 22, 2006

Snow Day

We got quite a bit of snow on Friday. Forrest and Brian went sledding Saturday. It was great, but I (Forrest) didn't like the jump on the first try. We went to really just two big mountains. One of them had a jump; one of them was not as steep as the other. The steep one was so steep that you needed a rail there just to get up. Good thing they put one there.
Forrest and Brian made a snow fort and a snowman Sunday. We built a snowman first. We made a big ball, then made it bigger by rolling it. We rolled a second ball, then a third, which was the head. And then then we put on the face parts. We used a carrot for a nose. We used leaves for eyes. Then we built the snow fort out of even bigger balls. And they were more ball-ish. We moved them into place by rolling them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great shots of playing in the snow!!