Tuesday, February 07, 2006

One Room Done! (Mostly)

'Course, it'll never be this clean again!

The southeast corner... not the most exciting.

The northeast corner

The southwest corner - definitely the coolest.

And the northwest corner, showing the new "jungle-y" elements. The cylinders and the leaves are from Ikea. The cylinders are cloth mesh pocket-like shelves with an access hatch just above each shelf. The walls are now all yellow with no more wide nursery stripes; they took 4 coats of paint to cover.


Anonymous said...

What a great looking bedroom! You did a great job picking stuff out, Forrest!

Alyssa, Brian, Forrest, Angi, and Andrew said...

We have a spider lamp that we are going to hang up later. We will have a good week. -Forrest

Anonymous said...

How's the rest of the house looking? You haven't posted for over a week! *wink, wink*