Here are some pictures of us at Gasworks Park in Seattle. We had been looking forward to taking Forrest here so he could climb around like Alyssa and Brian used to in college. Ages ago, this park used to appear in all sorts of area guidebooks as a place where you could take your kids to climb. Now all the pipe thingees have notices: "Do not climb." Needless to say, we ignored the new signs, as did most other visitors.
Here we are at the very cool sculpture garden in Seattle. But why would you make public, outdoor sculptures that can't handle being touched? Seems silly.
We also visited Ft. Casey, an old military base that has been made into a state park on Whidbey Island.
We went on lots of hikes.
Alyssa and Forrest visited Alayne and Rich on their boat moored in Friday Harbor. Forrest and Grandpa Rich went looking for shrimp with a flashlight the first night we were there. And they found a biggie!
We sailed to the other end of San Juan Island and anchored in a small bay. There, we paddled around in Nana's inflatable kayak, Red Rider, and used the dinghy to go to English Camp. Forrest's favorite part was swinging from the boom.
Back on the mainland again, we visited Jennifer and Jason and their girls Amelia and Kate. Forrest loved reading to Amelia.
Finally, we said goodbye to Grandpa Tom and Grandma Jeanne.
And Forrest practiced looking winsome so everyone would want to invite him back again.
1 comment:
It looks like you guys had a fantastic trip! I wish we could have come down to visit.
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